Some badnews from Picnik!
I love photo editing!
Tapi sayangnya aku ga terlalu nguasain software editing. Dan lebih suka pake photo editing online. My most favourite online photoediting is Picnik.
Today i opened Picnik for editing some photo. And you know what i got from picnik site? Here!
Picnik will be closing at this April!
So sad :( That's a bad news. But, you bring a good news too for us. Yes, you free all Premium thing in Picnik! Awesome!
So, What i must say about this?
Bye Picnik, i know you will be back with something awesomer (like you've said!). And thanks for the free premium. I can enjoy it till April! Wohoooo!
So, what we wait? For you that love some easy simple creative photoediting, let's go to Picnik and enjoy the Picnik Premium Blogpals! :)
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Terima kasih telah membaca Adriana Dian Blog❤︎ Wish you have a happy day!